Week 2: 3 Month Challenge


January 13, 2020

Daily Log

Today was a doozy! I had to take Aiden to the doctors today because he was running a fever, coughing and saying his ears and throat hurt!!!! Turns out he has pneumonia!!!!! This is his second time getting pneumonia!! Luckily this time its not to the point that he needs to be hospitalized. Now
I have two kids on antibiotics!!!!

Food Log

What I Plan to Eat1286 Calories
Breakfast350 Calories
Snack140 Calories
Lunch281 Calories
Snack170 Calories
Dinner320 Calories
What I Actually AteUnknown Calories
Breakfast350 Calories
Snack140 Calories
Lunch281 Calories
Snack170 Calories
Dinner320 Calories
SnackUnknown Calories

My day actually went pretty well! I did indulge tonight and had a bowl of fruit loops. I also ate a bag of popcorn after I gave my kids a bath and put them to bed. It was a nice night laying in bed watching my show uninterrupted.


Today I made it to the gym earlier in the day. While Aiden was napping I rushed to the gym to hurry and do my Chest and Tricep Workout. Sadly I won’t be able to come back to the gym to do cardio!!!

Chest, Tricep & Abs

Crunch Machine75 lb 25 reps75 lb 25 reps75 lb 25 reps
Crunch Machine70 lb 25 reps70 lbs 25 reps70 lb 25 reps
Around the World10 lb 10 reps10 lb 10 reps10 lb 10 reps
Tricep Extension (Dumbbell)25 lb 12 reps25 lb 12 reps25 lb 12 reps
Chest Press (Barbell)60 lb 10 reps60 lb 10 reps60 lb 12 reps
Shoulder Press 40 lb 12 reps40 lb 12 reps40 lb 12 reps
Inclined Chest Press (Barbell)50 lb 10 reps50 lb 10 reps50 lb 10 reps
Tricep Push Down (Cable- Straight bar)30 lb 10 reps 30 lb 12 reps 30 lb 12 reps
Tricep Pull Down (Cable)22.5 lb 10 reps 22.5 lb 10 reps22.5 lb 10 reps
Chest Fly70 lb 10 rep70 lb 10 reps 70 lb 10 reps
Chest Fly ( 10 reps each arm)50 lb 10 reps50 lb 10 reps 50 lb 10 reps

Today I felt like some of my exercises were becoming a little too easy. That being said I decided to up the weight on some exercises and reps on others to give myself a challenge. This was an amazing work out none the less.


Cardio WorkoutSKIPPED

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